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Low Carb Granola Bars: Simple, Soft and Chewy

Low Carb Granola Bars: Simple, Soft and Chewy

If you are on social media you probably know that everyone is obsessed with Aimee Song’s Raw Bars. Her video triggered a real hype but since I try to stick to a gluten-free, low-carb lifestyle, I made my own version of healthy granola bars. And even though they are baked, they are just as delicious.

Low carb granola bar

Low-carb Granola Bars

Recipe Difficulty Level: Easy
Recipe Type: Breakfast, Snack
Servings: 8

As you know by now, I am all about simple and easy to recreate recipes. These low-carb granola bars definitely fit the bill and are beyond delicious.

Here’s what you’ll need to make 8 muesli bars:

  • 100g chopped almonds
  • 85g sugar-free maple syrup
  • 65g sugar-free dark chocolate chips
  • 50g chopped walnuts
  • 40g chopped pecan nuts
  • 40g melted coconut oil
  • 30g shredded coconut
  • 30g chopped pepitas
  • 15g sunflower seeds
  • 10g sesame seeds
  • 10g freeze-dried blueberries
  • 1.5 tsp cinnamon
  • 1 tsp ginger
  • 1 tsp cake and cookie spice

To make these delicious granola bars, start by preheating the oven to 175°C. Then you just have to combine all ingredients and divide the mixture among the granola bar moulds, pressing down with a spoon until compressed. Bake them for about 16 minutes and, finally, flip the moulds immediately after baking onto a cooling rack and put them into the freezer after about 30 minutes.

These granola bars are soft, chewy and oh so yummy.

Low carb granola bars

Low carb granola bar

In about 40 minutes I made 2 batches (= 16 pieces) of these super delicious granola bars and, as a result, decided to bring them to work the next day. They make for a great snack and are, if I am in a hurry in the morning, a great alternative to my usual breakfast choice (e.g. a bowl of coconut porridge or home-made granola). In addition, these muesli bars will keep you rather full because they contain mainly seeds and nuts.

Low carb granola bar

My colleagues at work really enjoyed munching on them. Especially the combination of dark chocolate and freeze-dried blueberries seemed to go down well. What more could you wish for?

Low carb granola bar
Soft and Chewy Low Carb Granola Bars

Also, how cute do these granola bars look with little gift tags attached?

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  • 6 years ago

    How tasty it looks. Granola with almond, walnut, and blueberry… this is a healthy and yummy fit bar..

    • E
      6 years ago

      Thank you, Edwin! And they are kid-friendly as well.

  • 6 years ago

    These Look tasty. If I were to put fresh blueberries whould it be ok?

    • E
      6 years ago

      Absolutely, D! They’d be just as delicious but might not keep so long.

  • 6 years ago

    Ohhh these look so cute and yummyy definitely giving them a try

    Jani | http://www.mylifeinmedicineblog.com

    • E
      6 years ago

      Thank you, Jani, for stopping by! I hope you’ll like them!

  • These granola bars look good. I have never tried any but would love to try

    • E
      6 years ago

      You should definitely give them a try. So yum!

  • 6 years ago

    Oh my, these look incredible, and with you!! i too favour a very low-carb lifestyle. can’t wait to try these + i must say your photos are so pretty!! xo


    • E
      6 years ago

      Thank you so much for your compliment! Let me know how they turn out!

  • 6 years ago


    • E
      6 years ago

      Let me know if you do! They are absolutely delicious and so quick to make. Happy Tuesday, Alisa!

  • 6 years ago

    Yum!! These look amazing!

    xo Kat

    • E
      6 years ago

      Thank you, Kat! You should try them, they are really, really good!

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