A place for all things charming, dainty, beautiful and delicious.

Osteria Francescana | Modena, Italy

Osteria Francescana | Modena, Italy

Over the years, we’ve been fortunate enough to have dined at incredible locations, such as Aulis in London and La Guarida in Havana. Of course, making a reservation at Osteria Francescana in Modena, Italy was, above all, on top of our priority list.

However, let me tell you, scoring a reservation at Massimo Bottura’s restaurant is like winning the lottery. We tried and tried for montsh. And then, one day, it happened! Once we secured a reservation for that coveted dining spot, we were extremely excited because we knew that dining at Osteria Francescana will be a night to remember.

“cooking is about emotion, it’s about culture, it’s about love, it’s about memory.”
Massimo BotTura

I will leave you with some photos of our dinner at Osteria Francescana:

It goes without saying that this dinner was one of the best so far. Everyone at Osteria Francescana was super welcoming and incredibly attentive. We can’t wait to go back!

Five ages of Parmigiano Reggiano Probably the most famous dish and utterly scrumptious.

Five ages of Parmigiano Reggiano

Probably the most famous dish and utterly scrumptious.

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