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Zucchini Risotto with Grilled Seafood

Zucchini Risotto with Grilled Seafood

If you follow me on Instagram, you have probably seen that I spent a few days in Venice. Inspired by our magical stay in “La Serenissima” and all the superb food we had, I whipped up this Zucchini Risotto with Grilled Seafood as soon as we got home. Zucchini Risotto - Courgette Risotto with Shrimps 3


Recipe Difficulty Level: Easy
Recipe Type: Lunch, Dinner
Servings: 2

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Zucchini Risotto with Grilled Seafood
Prep Time 25 mins
Cooking Time 25 mins

As rice is the star ingredient of any risotto dish, choosing the right one is essential. We prefer using Carnaroli Rice because it contains lots of starch and cooks evenly. Thus, cooking Carnaroli in a saucepan will produce the creamiest risotto.


Zucchini Risotto - Courgette Risotto with Shrimps 8


1 small zucchini, shredded
1tbsp olive oil
170g Risotto rice
750ml vegetable stock
40g butter
40g parmesan, grated
4-5 basil leaves, cut into ribbons
salt and pepper to taste

For the Grilled seafood

we used:
4 prawns
4 scallops

How to make “Zucchini Risotto with grilled seafood”

  1. In a saucepan, heat 1 tbsp of olive oil over medium heat. In a different saucepan, bring your vegetable stock to a simmer.
  2. Add the rice to the saucepan with the olive oil and stir so the rice mixes well with the oil.
  3. Then start adding the simmering stock, one ladleful at a time, to the rice and continue stirring until the mixture gets dry.
  4. As soon as the liquid has been absorbed add another ladleful of the broth to the rice and don’t forget to stir and stir and stir.
  5. Repeat step 4 for about 25 minutes until the rice is creamy (but still al dente) and no stock is left. This process can take up to 30 minutes, depending on the saucepan you use and on your oven.
  6. Then, just before the last bit of liquid is absorbed, add the shredded zucchini and the basil ribbons.
  7. Finally, remove the saucepan from the heat and stir in the butter. When the butter has completely dissolved, add the parmesan cheese and stir again. This will make your risotto incredibly creamy. Should it be too dry, you can stir in a few more milliliters of boiling water to make the risotto softer.
  8. Taste the risotto and season with salt and pepper to taste. Once happy with the result, serve immediately.
  9. Therefore, place the risotto in a bowl and top with the grilled seafood. We also garnished each bowl of risotto with zucchini chips and fresh basil leaves.

Instructions for grilling seafood

We served the risotto with grilled seafood. Therefore, we deveined the prawns and seasoned both the prawns and the scallops with olive oil, salt and pepper. We then put the seafood on the grill and cooked the ingredients for about 1 to 2 minutes on each side until just cooked through.


Now all there’s left to do is pouring yourself a drink. We paired these creamy bowls of risotto with a glass of Italian Spritz (Aperol, prosecco and sparkling water). Enjoy!


  • 6 years ago

    I love risotto but I think it is one of the most difficult dishes to find delicious in a restaurant, I don’t know why hehe This look so jummy!!! I am in love with your post design, each post you do it better and better.

    • E
      6 years ago

      I think, you’re absolutely right, E! I never order risotto at restaurants, except when in Venice at Harry’s Bar. It’s a simple dish but so many things can go wrong. And thank you so much regarding your very sweet words on my blog. I really appreciate that! Hope you’re having a great weekend!

  • 6 years ago

    What a heart-warming recipe! Yummy comfort food!
    Jessica | notjessfashion.com

    • E
      6 years ago

      A creamy, cheesy risotto is definitely considered comfort food. Glad you like it!

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